Monday 15 June 2009

Facebook fan page for Estate Agents

If someone offered you free advertising to 29.2 million people, would you take it?

You have to have had your head buried in the sand to have failed to notice that Facebook is the biggest social network in the UK. Even though popularity is unrivalled, only a few estate agents have taken advantage of it. By creating a 'Page' or a 'Fan Page', an estate agent has access to 29.2 million people in the UK. Creating a page takes less than 5 minutes, and regularly updating content will provide users insight into the people behind the brand name. Below is a list of 8 helpful ways to improve your website quickly and efficiently.

Content - This is what Facebook users will be looking for. Provide details on your opening times, nearby parking and public transport. An underlying theme here should be to make it as personal as possible.

'Write something about...' - This is a short summary of your business. You can put in the company motto, mission statement or even a person message. For example "Welcome to the **** Fan page. Here you can see regular property updates and what goes on behind the scenes".

Keywords - do your own Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Your fan page can be searched by anyone on the web. When writing your content, think about keywords that search engines might pick up on. These can include the name of the estate agency, where you're placed, location of houses you sell etc.

Create links - Remember to link the Fan page to your property website. This will help users to not only access your website with ease but also increase the SEO of your own website!

Start discussion topics - Are the roads bad in your local area? Is there a development that's affecting residents? Again this is about providing a personal face to your business. Showing you care will show to people that you have corporate social responsibility.

Staff members can help - Get staff to kick start your popularity by getting them to all become fans of the page. Input from staff members will increase the quality of the content and show users that there is a clear dialogue between staff and the public.

Reviews - This is where members of the public can provide feedback. A great opportunity for you and other members of the public to see how great estate agents are!

Video - Internet users love video and it's a chance for them to see your creative side. Upload a video of a feature property, a staff social or even a review of the area. It's completely up to you!

People love honesty and a personal face to a business. Adding content that people can relate to will reach millions of people who have been gripped by Facebook. Have a look at Resource Techniques Fan page for ideas:

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