Wednesday 15 July 2009

Make your estate agent website Google friendly

To concentrate on one search engine would be foolish, but with 90% of the UK search engine market share, Google is difficult to ignore. Below are some tips for estate agents that are considering website design and Search engine optimisation (SEO).

* Domain name registration - The older your domain name, the more trustworthy your website will be. The logic here is that the internet 'boom' created a lot of websites from people looking to make money and then many websites then folded and never returned. Therefore a young website domain name won't be deemed as being established.
* Content - Google says that "Content is King". Relevant current content is what Google is looking for. The best example of this is having a news section where estate agents can talk about local news and developments relating to your estate agent.
* Keywords - Google will look at the words that are used in your website and the more a word is repeated, the more it is considered as being relevant to your website or a 'keyword'. SEO experts will warn you that repeating 'estate agent' too much will flag your website as spam.
* Backlinks - This is a popularity contest. The more websites that are linking to your website, the more likely it will be deemed to be popular and therefore used by members of the public looking for estate agents or property.
* Blogs - People and Google alike both love blogs. This shows people whats happening behind the scenes and gives them an up-to-date feel for the businesses progress. Estate agents that blog tend to give local information. For example, road works affecting access to their office.

If you have any questions on SEO or would like to discuss modern approaches to estate agent website designs, give Resource Techniques a call on 0208 457 4777.

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